07APR 2022
Photo by Sarmad Mughal from Pexels

The Vietnamese version of the Batmobile

Many people remember the famous Batmobile inspired by trilogy about the Dark Knight from the streets of Gotham City. Vietnamese engineers did not stand aside and also embodied this image in reality together with the artist. This car is electric.

It took more than 2 years to develop the Batmobile. Engineers claim that the new Batmobile is a fully finished vehicle. The body is armored and made of steel. Eco-friendly materials such as composite materials, ABS plastic and carbon fiber were used in the construction.

Therefore, in Vietnam, they also think about ecology, creating cars with a unique design and using electronic sources of XSMB, xo so mien bac, and not on paper.

According to the engineers, some parts of the Batmobile were printed on a 3D printer, while others were created manually.

The weight of the car is 600 kg. The Batmobile runs on lithium-ion batteries and its speed can reach 104 km/h.

Now this car can be seen at an exhibition in Vietnam, later it will be sold, but the price has not yet been set.

02FEB 2022
Photo by Jc Siller from Pexels

Black-beard products

If a person has already taken or wants to take a worthy place in a business community, he should take care not only of the brand and design of his vehicle or a style of his suit. Facial hair should look flawless and smell expensive.

What you really need to care for your black beard

Using special products for the beard, you will be sure that in addition to softening, the beard will smell good and be fed with the necessary valuable vitamins. The basic set for beards should include beard oil (use after showering), balm (during the day to shape the beard), soap or shampoo and a comb.


Finally, there are pleasant gifts from  blackbeardproducts. Select kits that already include all the basic beard care products. All gifts are decorated in a really masculine style and are both in wooden cases or in a minimalist style cardboard gift boxes.

12JUL 2024
Kettering University Automotive Engineering

Kettering University Automotive Engineering

Establishment [edit] Originally founded as The School of Automotive Trades by Albert Sobey under the direction of the Industrial Fellowship of Flint on October 20, 1919, Kettering University has a long legacy with the automotive industry. The university became known as the Flint Institute of Technology in 1923 before being acquired by General Motors in 1926, becoming the General…

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22JUN 2024
Automobile Salary

Automobile Salary

Automobile Engineering - Career, Growth, Scope Salary

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02JUN 2024
Automotive software

Automotive software

Regulatory compliance Software should be designed to comply with Office of Foreign Assets Control and Specially Designated Nationals regulations, automatically checking the individual against the terrorist list and for ID verification. It should also support compliance for state, county and city taxes…

Looking for car show tickets

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13MAY 2024
AutoCAD car

AutoCAD car

270 Degree Turn Path Radius The minimum radius of the fastest vehicle path of a vehicle performing a 270 degree turn, i.e. a right turn for vehicles driving on the left or a left turn for vehicles driving on the right. 270 Degree Turn Path Speed The speed that corresponds to the 270 Degree Turn Path…

E-mail us now at rehab in durban today

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23APR 2024
Software to design car

Software to design car

Ford Motor Company has just convincingly demonstrated that being an excellent industrial manufacturer doesn’t automatically mean that you are an excellent maker of digital technology. Despite Ford’s improvements in manufacturing quality, their overall ratings fell precipitously this year due solely to…

find a mobile car repair service in London

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03APR 2024
Automobile Design process

Automobile Design process

Across the world and in every product sector, companies have been increasingly focused on being market oriented or consumer-centric. Everybody is chasing the trend, trying to find out the next big thing and scrambling for every potential point of differentiation. And, who could argue against designing…

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24MAR 2024
Best Automotive Website Design

Best Automotive Website Design

The importance of a great website cannot be overstated. Your website not only serves as a blank canvas for your brand but also the place where all of your marketing is directed. It is often where first impressions are made, where decisions are swayed and where deals are started or even lost. We’ve been…
Worry-free rides shuttle Alamogordo to El Paso airport with Ep Shuttle!

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15MAR 2024
Car Design online free

Car Design online free

Welcome to the World of Car Design! In this free trial course, we will ask you to look at our video and then you sketch your own car design. The video shows you how to draw simple ways of powerful looking sports car and SUV in 20 minutes. At first we advise you will draw sketch while you are watching…

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24FEB 2024
Car Designer education

Car Designer education

Automotive designers - sometimes referred to as industrial designers - develop different elements of cars, trucks, motorcycles, buses and other vehicles. Design elements can include exterior and interior style, color, trim and graphics. Many automotive designers hold at least a bachelor s degree in industrial or automotive design. Students who earn an associate s degree in a relevant…

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04FEB 2024
Mechanical Engineering Automotive

Mechanical Engineering Automotive

Automotive engineering is a combination of mechanical, electrical and materials science. Engineers in this field can design new vehicles or look for ways to improve existing automotive engineering technology. Read on to learn more. Automotive engineers can design and test brake systems, engines, safety mechanisms, fuel technologies and transmissions. In the field, engineers use…

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15JAN 2024
Car bodywork

Car bodywork

View Full Gallery A slick paint job sprayed over an arrow-straight body is a key element to a car that will make people stop and say, sweet ride. Sadly, it can also be one of the most costly things that goes into the build. We have heard stories of guys spending 10 grand or more at a shop to get the body to show condition. Add that to the rest of the money you ll have to shell…

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26DEC 2023
University Automotive Engineering

University Automotive Engineering

Introduction to Design This module introduces students to the process of engineering design, and to CAD tools for creating and documenting design solutions. The principles and standard practices of technical drawing and tolerancing are taught. The role and use of CAD in design is taught and practiced, both 3D solid modelling and 2D drafting. The nature of design as a structured…

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